
Age 37, Male

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The Netherlands

Joined on 2/16/08

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annoying people

Posted by vlaktemaat - March 4th, 2008

hello newgrounds people

when im watching flash on newgrounds.com i also look at the comments. and some of those comments really PISS me off!...

most of the comments are compliments, or good reply's that the author can use to improve his skills in flash. but some of the comments are just USELESS! people saying that: "you should die" or "U suck".

some authors deserve these comments; authors who put zero effort in their movies, and show only 3 frames in an eternal loop..wich is'nt really a movie...but there are also authors, like me, who try to put as much effort as possible into their films. sure a film can be humorless, or random...but why don't look past your personal interests and try to see the good things of the film?

and almost all of the people who are voting low and commenting nasty stuff are not even capable of making ANYTHING in flash on their own. they don't even know how hard and frustrating it can be making a movie in flash.

sigh...oh well...it is safe for those people to call names and act like assholes from behind their safe computer screen i guess.

i really should'nt let this issue get to me for i am simply submitting my flash here so my friends can see them online. ( well im also aiming for the front page:$) but it is very interesting and fun to get to know other people and know what they think of your movies!

still enjoying my time and presence here on newgrounds.com!

p.s. please point out my bad english, so i can edit it...sometimes a little dutch gets through


annoying people


All the immature users here on newgrounds don't know much about flash, about alchemy or people. By alchemy I mean equivelent trade, the fundementals of communitybased communication. But even if they mean to be offending, they're comments don't have any real pshychological effect. Just mark as abusive and get a free whistle point. ;)

yeah that's true :) but comments CAN have psychological effects... if you worked really hard on a movie and people stomp it into the ground for no good reason..you can feel a little sad. i've experienced it. immature is a good word for most people here btw!


Sometimes, when my flash got abusive reviews, I'd respond with a 4096-character gay sex short story. Since most abusive reviewers are sexually insecure 13 year olds, it usually succeeded in driving them batshit crazy, lol.

hahaha you' ve just made my day!
thnx man! SO true, sexually insecure 13 year olds who can feel like a big bully here on newgrounds for once. but when they go to school their heads are being bashed into the toilet! so they seek revenge and take it out on us...quite a theorie eh?

thnx mn!

Dude , dont even think about those little kids who think they are tough. Well do more parodies. I am angry >:( (D3M@ND!NG 4 M0R P@R0D3!5)

haha very soon i will present: Batman hates Robin....


I look forward to your future projects.

me too :P


Jij komt uit nederland of niet. Het doet me goed om te zien dat er iemand uit nederland goede filmpjes maakt. veel succes met je verdere projecte en hou me op de hoogte van je vorderingen.;) Gr, 4Dito

your movie did hit the frontpage. congrats!

Haha, another Dutch animator. You guys are starting to take over this place.

I've seen a lot of cartoons go through Newgrounds, both mine and others' toons, and the only steadfast reason why people would leave hateful comments on a cartoon is because of failed expectations. If you make a cartoon based on something they are already familiar with (take your Batman cartoon for example), or if you or someone else builds it up into something that it doesn't really live up to, then you risk making people hate any effort you put into your work. If you make something completely original but no one likes it, at the very least you'll see people say "This was boring", but you certainly won't hear "OMG DIE!".

My only advice is to establish EXACTLY what the viewer should expect from your cartoon so that they don't go into it with false expectations that might then be disappointed. In your Batman toon you did a good job of establishing the premise in the description, and as a result your viewers haven't been leaving you hateful reviews. There will always be a few jackasses who get off on being mean, but at least you can be happy knowing that it actually has nothing to do with you.

Veel geluk! (I'm told you guys don't say this often though)

thank you for the advice! it means a lot to me coming from the-Swain.

you've probably heard this a million times but maybe not in dutch:

"ik vind je animaties geweldig!!!" ( "i love your animations" )

Nice, daar hebbie toch wel een mooie hoeveelheid exposure ;):) Echt tof dat er wat meer Nederlandse animators komen, was vroeger wel anders.. :)

Trouwens, ik moet wel even iets kwijt; ondanks dat ik zelf niks 'kan' maken met flash wil niet zeggen dat ik minder 'recht' heb om een animatie/game een lage score te geven.. ik weet de hoeveelheid werk en shit die erin gaat best te waarderen (ik maak zelf een strip met m'n huisgenoot) maar ik weet wel wat kwaliteit is en wat niet.. maar goed.

Veel succes met je animaties dude!

thnx man!

i feel the same way

Inderdaad een toffe flash :P Jammer genoeg ben ik gestopt met Flash :(

Congratulations to your success on front page. You are new and you got frontpage. Thats totally awesome.

thnx man!

There are tons of users like that.

And they usually mark good review abusive for whistle points.

I never review anymore anyways.

But yes, many users on NG are immature 13 year olds.

i have noticed this problem also they complain than when you go to their page they have no entries at all, and i joined after some of those people.